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Listen and Learn - a wandering meditation

When we stop long enough to truly listen, we can begin to feel different vibrations and sensations in our bodies. Everything in us and around us is operating on a different frequency and when we are intentional about tuning our energies, we can become harmonious with the natural world and those we come into contact with on a day-to-day basis. Even the words we use, when spoken in truth and authenticity carry different notes, which then land on the listeners’ ears and hearts with deep resonance. So… engaging with less than truthful words can leave the listener and yourself with a feeling of unease which can result in the body shutting down.

Did you know that our emotions vibrate with different frequencies? The more fear, anger, and bitterness you carry within you, the less your body is operating at its highest potential. The more love, joy, and compassion you feel, the higher the vibrations of energy you are emitting. Those waves of energy are like dropping a pebble in a lake and watching the effects of those ripples extend way out to the center.

Check out this post about emotions and frequency!


  1. Take yourself to a place in nature where you can find stillness - where you can fully engage with sound and vibration. Allow yourself plenty of time.

  2. Begin to notice your own sounds, especially the sounds and thoughts going on inside your head. Don’t judge them, notice them.

  3. Next, begin to listen for the different bird songs, twigs snapping, insects buzzing, people talking, the sound the wind makes, trickling of water, etc. What happens in your body when you hear these sounds? Where do you feel these frequencies? Do they cause more tension or is there a peace and calmness?

  4. In your JOURNAL, write down areas in your life where things don’t feel true. What areas (relationships, home life, work life, church, school, etc) are causing tension and feelings of anxiety instead of ease? All of these things cause you to vibrate with more or less energy.
    -Lay your hand on your heart and LISTEN. When you listen with your heart instead of your head, it is noticeably different. There will always be confusion in the head, but the heart knows what is true and is very certain.
    -What came up for you? When you LISTENED, what did you LEARN?

Care to share your experience with us? Please send any photos, writings, and new discoveries to our Facebook group!

Stay curious. Wonder, Wander and Wild!

All My Love,

Lynna, Your Wandering Companion