Welcome Wild Wanderer

We are living in a world that is full of disease, mental illness, destruction, anger, separation and extremes on every level. I hope this time here can offer a little respite from the heat and hate and give you a cool and refreshing place to come sit, walk, share, and nourish your soul. When we learn that we are LOVE at our core, we can fully engage in LOVE with others.

Through my own healing explorations and discoveries, I have come to some truths about some key pieces that are vital for my joy, self-love, love for others and overall sense of well-being and what it means to LIVE a radiant and abundant life.

I believe a few of the first steps in getting to know what and who we are require these elements:

1. STILLNESS and SOLITUDE: We must learn how to stop, be still, be quiet, and be patient. Are you comfortable being alone with your thoughts and feelings? Do you love being in the presence of your own company? I've had many tell me that they are afraid to be alone with themselves and that's understandable. However, it is in those moments that hold answers to our deepest questions and where we can unearth the treasure inside us.

2. NATURE: For me, nature is my church, friend, medicine, lover, dance partner and therapist. She has held me without judgment and has been a great teacher of many valuable lessons and has offered up many wondrous mysteries. Nature is a healing elixir and this group is all about that.

3. WILD WONDER and CURIOSITY: Having eyes to see, ears to hear, hands to touch, feet to walk, nose to smell, voice to speak, mind to dream, soul to sense...gives us a childlike sense of wonder and awe at the world around us and within us.

There is something about WANDERING - without a plan, schedule, time limit, or other boundary or obligation that opens us up to a whole new world outside of us and within us.

I will post regular prompts that might urge you to get out and move, explore and be inspired. Most often, your expeditions will require a journal and camera!

If you are in the Austin, Texas area, I will be hosting in-person meditation wanderings and I’d love for you to join us.

If you would like a specially wrapped journal and package to your mailbox, you can do so by clicking on the “Merchandise” button on top.

Thank you. Now…let’s start exploring!


Listen and Learn - a wandering meditation