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Dare To Be Enchanted - A Wandering Meditation

I love the word ENCHANTED. It’s full of wonder and mystery and romance and delight. How often do you find yourself enchanted? Wowed? Awed? Are you puzzled and curious as to maybe why you haven’t been intrigued or even know the best way to go about that? This wandering meditation might be a useful resource for discovering those “whoa” moments. The cool thing about enchantment is that it can be found all around us - we don’t have to look very far.

The photo on this blog was sent to me by my daughter-in-law. They were at the beach last weekend, and Fiver my 11-month old grandson was out exploring the intricate beachscape. He is not quite walking so you can imagine what he looked like after a day on the sandy shores! These little treasures splayed out on the blanket are what he had brought to his mama. I was amazed at what he had discovered: the colors, textures, and uniqueness of each piece had called to him and he was collecting as fast as he could. A little human after my own heart!

I love collecting natures treasures and they are right there for our pleasure when we slow down long enough to notice them. When we stoop or lift our eyes to these discoveries, quite often they hold out meanings and messages. I would like to share a story: I had been staying in Medicine Bird, my small travel trailer, in a sweet little KOA campground a ways outside of Austin. The morning started off swimmingly as I wandered the peripheral and took in the longhorn cattle crazing in the nearby pasture. I had been there a week and I “assumed” that they would have space for me to stay on another week as I was in a spot in which they had a very hard time renting due to the fact that it was near a huge (larger than my trailer) propane tank.

That was not the case. The office manager told me that a new camper was coming in within two hours and that I needed to pack up. After uttering a few swear words under my breath, I got busy cleaning, draining and hitching. And then the rain came; not just a drizzle but a full on driving rain. I was having a hard time releasing my drop down jacks in the back of my trailer as they were lodged in some pretty significant sized rocks. As I was scooping away the stones, my eye caught a shimmer. And there among the other rocks was this amazing piece of Honey Calcite. It was beautiful, golden, raw, natural and looked like it had been cut. I smiled and stuck it into my pocket. The next week, I found 4 more! I got a little obsessed and then I wondered if they held some meaning for me. I looked up the spiritual meaning behind honey calcite and this is what it said: “Believed to hold vibrations of strength and confidence, this is a stone that can bring you a great deal of mental clarity and courage to stand for the things you believe in. A symbol of personal power, Honey Calcite is known to have healing powers. These healing abilities of the stone are most important in matters of personal healing, especially when reeling from a painful loss. These properties provide one with the strength to move through the ups and downs of life. The importance of Honey Calcite lies in the notion that the stone has the potential to guide a person to the right way of recognizing and employing his or her personal power. It speaks volumes about factors like leadership, responsibility, and accountability, and when used alongside Iron Pyrite, it is effective in boosting one’s sense of self-worth. This is a powerful stone that will help you bounce back from a challenging situation that has had you down.”

When I read those words, I knew that that little piece of mineral appeared for a reason and I still hold that piece with wonder and amazement.


  1. Have you ever observed a small child as they explored and discovered things for the first time? There’s something so tender and endearing about witnessing that moment. For this wandering meditation, let’s call to our child within and see if we can view the world as if we’re seeing it for the first time.

  2. Take yourself to a new trail, park, riverbed…or simply start walking your neighborhood. Take a new route - a new path.

  3. Begin slowing your pace and your breath. Start to notice what catches your eye, what sounds draw you in, and what colors capture your heart?

  4. Start looking for something that is meant just for you. A stone to stick in your pocket? A ripped out page of a book with a story on it? A small piece of delicate wood? A coin?

  5. Whatever your discovery, hold it with awe. Maybe what you discovered wasn’t to be held - maybe you were enchanted by the sunrise or the multi-layered sky. Maybe it was a bee drinking the nectar of a beautiful flower, or an unexpected conversation with a stranger.

I hope this meditation will bring you curiosity and a new taste for what life has to offer you. She is holding out so many precious things. It’s up to you to reach for it.


Your Wandering Companion,

Lynna Foster, Return To Your Wild